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This is an updated blog to add in some food and funny stories! Please read and make any comments you would like!

Tuesday 22 February 2011

Snow Snow Snow!!

Hello all!! I am still here in Austria its been snowing like crazy!! Its so beautiful!! The kids have been busy at ski school and I have been studying up on my German and catching a few Zzz's! Its been a nice vacation! They moved me to a massive suite all for my self and its soooo huge and pretty!! the whole wall is a window I sit and watch the snow fall! The kids and I have been doing lots of swimming and chillin. I have convinced them that if they do not splash my hair I will give each of them $5 so far so good! lol I am anal about my hair esp in a pool. I am going back blond I miss it, being brown was fun but being blond is so much better! Back to the kiddos no major accidents I fell more then they did but they are super sweet and wait for me and help me up. The mountains here are different then the ones in the US.  1. its mainly all skiers, so narrow S's all down the mountain. 2. they are un groomed 3. the ski lift is a joke ill explain. So my first day on the mountain I was super pumped to snowboard we go up the first lift with out a hitch, then I see this weird looking lift very foreign to me. It looks like an anchor with a string and you are supposed to sit on it. Easy enough I thought so I am behind the family and its my turn I do as I saw the others do and try and sit on the anchor, it starts to pull me up the mountain which makes me start to loose control and of course I fall off and mange to grab the seat as it drags me up the mountain everyone is looking at me like who is this dumb girl being pulled by the lift lol. Eli is infront of me telling me to let go!!! Im like Oh god if I let go im going to take out all these poor people. So i did and I tumble down the mountain. Very embarrassing. I finally get back in line and try again, wow no on tells me what to do again so AGAIN I try to sit on the anchor and AGAIN i fall get pulled, dragged, tumble. Till Eli came back down to rescue me and inform me I need to stick the anchor in between my legs!! OHHH well that makes sense and we successfully get up the mountain. I am still terrified of that lift. The week goes good snowboarding but on Sunday I decided I should retire I am getting to old and beat up for this and would rather sleep in and swim!  This week has been more chill we went on a hike around a lake it was amazing so many cool looking dogs. Then I decided I was feeling sporty and should run down a mountain, well running down a mountain is easy the problem was getting back up I am still sore 3 days later my shins, bum, thighs lol today is a sauna day I say! A funny story for yall so the parents went to dinner and asked me to take the kids to eat at our hotel. So we all go and were laughing I am teaching them to speak Texas if they teach me German, apparently I said something about a squirrels tail that had them rolling in German. So I do not know what German menu items are and I let each kid order what they want. When the dinner comes they had ordered this pancake dessert, their eyes lit up when it was in front of them they were so excited! They got it all ready with the applesauce and everything was ready to chow down on! 30 seconds later I look over and they are all squinting and puckering up freaking out, I am like "whats wrong!??!?!" they say "Nein Lacy try!!!" SO I do and I immediately spit it out every where it was the worst thing I have ever eaten! It tasted like a salt block so horrible. We inform the waitress and she comes back and apologizes saying the chef mixed up the sugar with salt! The kids were so up set lol a look of defeat on their face. Dinner was over no one wanted to try something else. I was crying I was laughing so hard it was very funny! All is good in the hood just taking it easy. Going shopping tomorrow if I can get this stupid cell phone bill worked out lol. I will update it when I get back home on Friday or Sat love yall!!

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