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Wednesday 30 March 2011

Offically European

So you know those people who ride their bike on the side of the road and you have to go around them and they are super annoying?? Well that is officially me now! I rode my bike yesterday and I just wanted to let yall know about the rules of bike riding:

Rules Of Bike Riding:

1. No wonder no one smiles on a bike, you get bugs in your mouth. So much for trying to be a cute bike rider now I just look like im really mad, but I am not I just am sick of spitting out bugs.

2. Do not pet randoms peoples cats, because they might pull up on their bike and give you the worst look ever

3. Use your hand signals like a loserI look like I am doing the YMCA but it works so far ha

4. Might want to invest in a gel seat my bum is killing me today, I look like I just road the biggest horse ever, but I didnt just a lil bike

5. Remember where you are going especially when you are in Germany and every house looks the same and its starting to get dark and no one can see you doing your YMCA hand signals and you could die.

6. Dont talk on your cell phone 1. you look dumb 2. people think you are talking to them so they swerve and could cause and accident.

7. Tie your shoes, i noticed they got wadded up in my petal...wow gay

8. Dont take pictures of the random ladies cat, makes her even madder!

So now that I am completely European I can drive a stick, speak the language kinda, and ride a bike looks like I am staying awhile!! xoxo

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