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This is an updated blog to add in some food and funny stories! Please read and make any comments you would like!

Wednesday 20 April 2011

Cereal Crook

Looks like we got a cereal crook on our hands..This one beautiful and warm day I went to the store and found "Coco Puffs" Never have I been more excited to eat some good 'ol American cereal for breakfast. I get home and I dont show the kids because I know they will go nutso over my chocolate flavored fake cereal. One evening the kids find it and taste it and decided this is the best cereal ever and everyone wants it...till I step in...Like a wild west movie the back ground music comes in "Na na naaa...(whistling) Na na na....(whistling)..."Howdy there partner, thats my cereal might wanna put her down and keep going on down the road" lol so that didnt happen but thats how I pictured it would go down. Instead it went like this 'NEINNNNN DAS IST MEINE MUSLI FUR MEINE FRUSTUCK!" aka NOOOOO that is my cereal for my breakfast... so they put it away and the little one comes up to me..."Laceee (batting his eyes) Kann ish habe ein bisson bitte" aka Can I have a little bit...pleaseee..of course I give in. "okay Bena just ein bisson!!" he has a little bit and I decided I wanted some too. I was playing around and a few puffs dropped off my spoon on my plate ( I didnt notice, but someone else did..) The next thing I know Bena is being so sweet and wanting to sit on my lap and Im like aww hes so cute and nice so I put him on my lap the next thing I know hes grabbing my plate and eating the 2 puffs that dropped. He jumps off after he gets what he wants. SO the next morning I come down stairs and I see Bena at the table and I holler "GUTEN MORGAN!" (good morning!!) Usually my little sweet pea says Morgan Lace..today not a peep, doesnt even look at me! I am like whats wrong Bena, and I go and sit next to him, he freezes he wont move his head, his spoon sitting so still as if hes an animal in hiding and I am about to hunt him down. I am so confused..till I look in his bowl..there is the evidence right there to his behavior.. My Cereal! He decides to eat it as fast as he can to get rid of the evidence, to make his guilt 10 times worse I continue to sit next to him and watch him and make little remarks.."Smeck gut Bena??" "Is das sooooo licka Bena???"" aka is that yummy, is that so good?? His guilty little face said it all. It was cute and he never did it again.. lesson learned. Cereal 0 Bena 1..Off to Portugal love yall ill update yall on the beach tom!

PS: Katschi and I were on the trampoline jumping and I told her about the hail in Dallas and how we had to get a new roof and how it was going to cost a boat load!! she replies "HEALTHY!!!" ummm Healthy wtf she learned it in school that day lol it was funny now I always say "Healthy!!!" to her

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