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This is an updated blog to add in some food and funny stories! Please read and make any comments you would like!

Tuesday 24 May 2011

The Circus

We went to the circus last weekend! It was so much fun!! The kids sat in the row in front of me we each had pamphlets the kids brought their friends it was nice...actually there was no circus. We were the circus as in my family and I and the kids friends. It was really the oldest child in my family's confirmation. It was a 3 day party and 30 people flew in from all over. The first night we went to a castle here called Schlottes Edberg it was super nice and we had an amazing dinner. I sat at the kids table and sat next to interesting 15 year old who decided to give me a brief update on the world, finances, and politics. Fun! not! Anyways so the next day we went back to the castle for breakfast then took a boat down the Elbe river to our house and the chef from the castle and their staff were here to make us dinner. Super fancy whole nine yards waiters, champagne, desserts. We ate dinner and all 15 kids and I played soccer it was fun no one cried which is a first so that made it even better! The next day is where my circus story comes in to play. So its Sunday the day of the confirmation and we have to get up at the butt crack of dawn and all 15 kids are at the house and we have to have our suits, dresses and shoes on and out the door by 8:00AM everyone!! Ok so the morning starts out a little rough but were all in the car on the way to the church all 30 of us. I am in the car and Jules hands me her Itouch to hold for her I am in such a rush I just grab it and stick it in my jacket. We get to the church and we all pile out and I am thinking to my self there is no way this is the church this thing is the size of a sardine can, it literally holds 31 people and we are 30 so to bad to sad for the rest of the 170 people supposed to be there this morning.  We get in and take almost every row up in the church I am behind the 14 kids to monitor them because I know this will not go well. Jules ask for her I touch and I give it to her and tell her if she plays on it in church I will kill her. She nods ok. Bena is sitting in front of me next to his friend who is trouble with a capital T and I know this is going to be one heck of a outing to church. By now all 170 people are coming in with no seats because we took them all and they are standing every which way they can to hear and see. Great now its 120 degrees, I am claustrophobic, and dont understand what the priest is saying, just swell! So the priest is gabbering about in Germany about who knows what all I care about is that my row of devil kids are behaving which of course they are not because they are bored out of their minds. Rolling up the pamphlet begins Bena hits the trouble kid, he hits back, bena hits back, there is a full on war of hitting. I grab Bena and say no way jose not right now!! so he stops. I look 2 kids down and she is making her pamphlet into a airplane and flying it down the row, freaking great. I look 3 kids down and guess what sneaky devil thought she should play Angry Birds in church..yup Jules. I grab that as fast as she could tell it was gone. By now we are entertaining the whole church, everyone is watching me grab kids, take I touches, hit the back of heads. Circus I tell ya circus. Now Bena wants me to put cream on his ear because he got bit by a bug so I am creaming his ear, while he is dying laughing at the little girl across from us who is passed out and snoring. Things calm down now and I am happy and its time to stand up to say a prayer ( I think?) and so we stand and I see Trouble pulling Benas chair so when he sits hes going to end up on the floor. I know I am a bad person for not stopping him but I was also bored as well and thought I will catch him if he does fall. The prayer ends I can not contain my self what what I know is about to happen...Bena starts to sit in the air and hes going hes going he falls and boop he catches his tiny hiney on the edge of the seat and it stops his fall! He looks back at me like I did and whispers sooo loud "LACY NEIN!!!!" I am laughing so hard I cant stop it was soooo funny hes so darn cute! I now know why we do not attend church on a regular basis..we are a hooten, hollern, traveling circus! xoxo

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