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This is an updated blog to add in some food and funny stories! Please read and make any comments you would like!

Wednesday 4 May 2011

I Got a Pet!!

The family was soo nice to have gotten me a pet! Its the best pet in the world,  I don't have to fed him, clean his litter box or take him outside, hes potty trained, i don't have to fed him either! Best pet ever huh? Its a cute little 7 year old parrot! Can you believe that a parrot? Actually my parrot is my adorable little kid here Bena, who is now my parrot because he repeats everything I say in English. Its good except when he literally picks up on everything, I thought he didn't know English 3 months ago when I got here and now I have him singing Michael Jackson! Bena and I hang out alot because he thinks im funny and fun! lol not! He hangs out with me because of this special tool I have, my Iphone! What is even cooler is that I can download any game I want! Heaven to him, hell for me! I now have a whole collection of kids games on the 2nd page of my Iphone. Therefor I suffer the consequences of never having my Iphone anymore and now hearing my little one say every night and day, rain or sun, come hell of high water... "Lacy can I plawy angrewy bwirds please please pleaseeeee Lacy please angrewy bwrids Rio editwion" Then with the bat of an eye I hear the most annoying sounds of angry birds ever for the next 5 hours, yesterday we downloaded "Cut the Rope" and I literally want too! My little parrot has also picked up on my sports lingo, because after teaching them "American Football" I had to throw in some lingo too of course, to make our game more realistic; so I hear this often..."Blwe 42 blew 42 hut hut!" lol I know he does not know what it means exactly, but it sure is cute to hear that when eating breakfast, I am thinking, "why in the world is he saying that right now?", hope he doesn't pick up on to much I say (wink wink!) Next he has grown fond of the one and only, Michael Jackson after hearing this one song on his Ipod  during our "discos" aka I put on music really loud so he cleans without talking lol. One day last week, we were outside by the pool and I hear "Bwilly jean is not my luver,, yaaa, Bwilly Jean....ya" Close but no cigar! Its precious! He picks up quick on things, my little parrot, I was laying out by the pool in Portugal and I saw we had a lemon tree, so I sent my bird up it to fetch me a lemon to make my hair blonder! My Parrot goes up the tree and 5 seconds later I am getting bombarded with lemons. So he may not know what one means, but he can play football and sing Michael Jackson, this is a good start. Next my little parrot climbs down and I tell him to please peel my lemon and cut it in half for me, he stares at me confused, because he did not understand, so I take the lemon bit into it and rip it in half. Even more confused I hear.."Lacy!!! Was are you doing!!!!" I say, "listen here kid, watch the power of a fruit" and I squeeze it all over my hair. He is dumbfounded at this point I am sure he is thinking, "Who is this weird girl from Texas rubbing lemons all over her hair in my backyard" and I tell him wait and it will be blonder later today after I lay in the sun! I continue to lay out while parrot plays Angrewy Bwirds Rio Edwition next to me. That night I was saying goodnight to him and I walk into his room and he says "Lacy your hair is blonder!!" I said I know cool right?!  Wait you understand about the lemons and my hair?? Parrot then delivered lemons to me everyday by the pool. Hes my sweet pea. Today he was kind enough to blackmail me a blue pen if I let him play Cut the Rope, it worked I got a new pen and he has unlocked 4 boxes. Whatever. Thats my new motto lol! Love yall hope all is well!!

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