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This is an updated blog to add in some food and funny stories! Please read and make any comments you would like!

Thursday 27 January 2011

Party Timeeee

Today is Thursday which means I only have one more full day of work!! I am excited to not be sitting at a desk for a very long time! So this week has been really fun, I have had lunch and dinner with friends and family everyday. It is going to be sad leaving everyone and all my favorite restaurants! I am wondering what the food is going to be like over there? Paulk said its all meat and potatoes...I am not the biggest fan of either so I hope I can find stuff I will enjoy ( I know I will I love anything made with noodles!) Tonight I have dinner over at Finley’s moms house which I am super excited about because she makes the worlds best spaghetti!! Then Friday my work is taking me to Mannies and the whole office is  coming so I am excited about that! Then Friday night is my going away party at the house with friends and family, I hate goodbyes but I guess its better to say almost all them at once ey? Then as we move into the weekend my dear friend Paulk is going to get my butt organized and boy is she good!! I need her every time I move and need help getting all my crap together. So that will take up all of my Saturday afternoon. Saturday night I am going to dinner at Dish with all my friends I have never been its in Oak Cliff  and looks very good! They have truffle fries umm yumm!! Sunday will be more of a chill day. Run last minute errands then dinner with my dad and say bye to him because he has to go out of town on Sunday :o(. The next week is going to soar by! I will update it my blog as soon as I can may be a few days but check back!! TTYL


  1. Lacy - the office is way too quiet without you! And nobody sneaks up on me and scares me! And I don't have anyone to send public-private texts to in the office. Nobody to eat lunch with. Nobody... oh, you get it. :) I miss you. Hope you are having a great time!!!

  2. JUlesssss i miss u!!!! I am sorry no one is there to scare u!! I sent a photo album to Crosby i hope he sent it to u!! miss u!
