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This is an updated blog to add in some food and funny stories! Please read and make any comments you would like!

Monday 11 April 2011

A few thoughts I would like to share

1. I am the bomb.com at driving stick... I know this because I yell at other drives and I am European now..obviously (scroll back to rules of bike riding if you are lost)
2. I should of learned to parallel park in drives ed, thanks Mr. White for telling me I will never need it unless I move to San Francisco. Your wrong I need it every day here!!!!
3. I dont miss American music..well I dont think I do..
4. I do miss Ranch dressing..but I dont think it misses me
5. CNN stands for Center of Negative News..so now I watch German info commercials not good for my brain but good for my German.
6. Europeans think when you say something is "The best thing you ever had" they really think you mean it..For example my French friend Clem made me a amazing muffin with onions and mushrooms and I told her as I was eating it "This is the best muffin ever!!" and she was like "Wow really!?!?! Thanks!"" lol then she realzied from our previous conversation the day before that Americans always say something is the best thing ever to exaggerate how much they like something.. Then we laughed..but it was the best not sweet muffin I had ever had so see Clem!
7. This goes back to number 6.. Yesterday we were at Elis new bakery opening and I had a piece of cake and I told Katshi "This is the best cake ever!!" and she looked at me confused and said " I thought you said the cinnamon rolls you made were the best thing ever??" I said "those were too" she said "So the best thing ever to you is cinnamon rolls, that cake and your spaghetti" I said lol yup..they are funny huh?
8. I love driving on the autobahn, gives you a sense of freedom
9.  I am working on my German its getting hard every class..there are so many rules its crazy I dont know if I will ever learn them..
10. My dad was going to send me stuff I missed..all I could think of was Mayonnaise so I think its best if he didnt send that to me..im trying to fit into my swimsuits in Portugal..
11. When we go outside Bena likes me to wear his vest..Dont know why be he always hands it to me to wear..hes 7 im 24..its a little snug...
12. Jules got a Trampoline for her birthday..let the fun begin!!

I got loads of HW, kids to drive, dogs to walk, soccer balls to kick, and noodles to make I am a busy bee!! love yall!

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