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This is an updated blog to add in some food and funny stories! Please read and make any comments you would like!

Monday 9 May 2011

Soccer Queen and Clothing King

Today I am worn out!! My little Loompy ( aka little crook in German) Played soccer and I just wanted to recap for yall our conversation. It may not make sense but it sure is funny the way we communicate! This is how the conversation goes..Loompy "Lacy you play soccer mit me? Peasssssss" So of course I go and its bloody hot out today, but I go like a good sport that I am. We start playing, I do a little stretching to delay the beating I am about to take from this 7 year old. I even try distracting him to a push up contest, didnt work he wants to play soccer NOW!! Fine I get in my goal he gets in his. I yell "Your going down, down to China town!!!" he screams back "Your China town!!" lol. He counts to 3 so this means he runs and kicks the ball as hard as he can at me while I either A. Duck B. Fall on purpose to distract him C. Jump and hit it with my head.. It usually ends in A. I am in a little ball on the ground, eyes closed and all I hear in the background is "TOLLLLL!!!!!!!! LACY NULL (0) ME 1!!!!!!!"  So i suggest we change the game because I am sick of grass stains on my knees to something else. This is why I love little kids they have such a great imagination to where they can think up a new game in a instant! "Ok Lacy you stand in your goal, I stand in mine, ball in middle, I count 1..2..3.. and we run and kick ok?!" Ok I think this cant be to hard...Game begins I give him a head start because I am a kind person and the next thing you know I am getting smacked with the ball in my stomach and I am on the ground and I here the most famous line I have ever taught him, "WINNER WINNER CHICKEN DINNER!!!" And I yelled backkkk "NEEIINNNN NO CHICKEN DINNER" and he hollers back "YESSS CHICKEN DINNER!!!" and I said "NO YOU GET POTATOES!!!" He thinks about it for a minute and yells back "You get Potatoes!" SO we restart our game and I am in my goal hes in his, hes counting to 3 and I say wait wait! Turn our backs then count of 3 we run at the same time, he agrees we turn around.. he counts to 3 and I dont run I stay and the next thing I know I am getting pounded in my back with a soccer ball so hard. I turn around and hes dying laughing so I start to chase him and I grab him, throw him on the ground, and say you know whats funny!!! I tickle him till he cant breath! He loves it, he always says "Lacy we go outside and you tickle me? Peass?" So I got him good! We decided we needed a water break, we go inside and I try to distract him again by suggesting a water chugging contest. We each fill up a cup with water and count to 3... We start chugging our water and I look over and Loompy is spitting it in the sink! So we restart because he needs a head start..1....2...3.. Chug!! We start again I kill him slam my cup down and yell "Winner Winner Chicken Dinner!!!" I also remind him I spent 5 years in the best college ever and I think I have way more experience chugging things then he does. We go back outside to continue our game, he suggest I do a flipflop ( he loves when I do backhand springs) So I do one regular old back hand spring for him. He wants two now. I do two. He wants three, I tell him I am not in the circus two is enough.  OUr next game is called "Tricks" He does a trick, I do a trick. I am his personal Seal I juggle a ball on my head and he loves it. Well Benas trick was super tricky and he kicks it as high as he can go. SO he kicks it instead of high, far! So far it goes into the neighbors yard. I am like "Supar Bena, just Supar! , Now go get it!" So we get to the concrete fence and he obviously cant get over it so we pull a "Sandlot" (yall remember that movie with the baseball and the dog) So I tell Bena there is a huge dog over there and he needs to be careful. He climbs up my back stands on my shoulders and gets on the fence he jumps down and runs after the ball, grabs it kicks it over. Now we got to get him back, I am reaching for his arms, cant reach him. we find some rocks and I tell him to climb him and I grab his arms and grab him and we jump off the fence safe! So we are sitting on the bench out of breath and I start singing "Our house..." and he finishes my sentence "In the middle of the street" lol hes so cute! The game ends for lunch and I now have a new place at the dinner table because I want to sit next to Kat and Bena. So I am at the end Bena is on my right, kicking me all lunch. So at this point the older kid was saying something about someone at his school had a moldy sandwich and he still ate it and right as he is saying this I grab Benas feet and start tickling him till hes roaring in laughter and everyone at the table looks at Bena like, " You think thats funny Bena, he had to eat a moldy sandwich" lol and we didnt tell anyone what we did so we just laughed together. To get to clothing part of the story Bena loves my clothes and he loves when I get dressed up especially in dresses. We were going to dinner one night and I had on a black dress that Bena picked out for me so he liked it alot I guess. I walk outside and realize its way to cold for my dress so I change into jeans and a sweater and I come out of my room and his face looked like I just told him Santa wasnt real "Lacy why you change out of dress????" I said, "Its to cold Bena" he looks at the floor, "Oh" and I ask him, "Aww Bena did you like me in my dress?"..still looking down, "Yes.." lol So adorable. Now whenever I get ready I always ask him to come help me because he likes me getting dressed up!

So now we have been only speaking German in the house, its hard I understand but not all. We have a jar that we have to pay money in if anyone speaks German. This last 2 minutes, the jar is gone. Thank goodness. Its improving my German but I just dont speak as often because I would rather just listen ;o) Everything is going smooth I am done with my A2 class on Friday and move on to B1 on Monday, half way done with my German school! Ill ttyl!!

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