About Me

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This is an updated blog to add in some food and funny stories! Please read and make any comments you would like!

Friday 23 March 2012

I Am Back!

Hello friends and folk! I am back as a kind of sort of a GM to a real posh restaurant and as a food boss hogger blogger. I decided to re-vamp my blog becasue 1. Yall missed me 2. I am pretty funny 3. I got stories to tell! So this will be a al a mode to my life working in a hetic restaurant and trying to see how big I can get by eating out 24/7. I will not use real names so for example I work at Grandmas Restaurant and my boss is Mr. Lee some co workers are Marty, June, Bumble bee. Ya know normal names. I will also add in my expereiences when I go to this knock your britches off fancy places or hole in the butt restaurtants where I know they did not get an A on health inspection but come to find out they did and I am still grossed out. I am still at Grandmas right now but will update it later this afternoon. TTYL!

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