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This is an updated blog to add in some food and funny stories! Please read and make any comments you would like!

Thursday 29 March 2012

A Midnights Dream

Sometimes at the restaurant its not always crazy and fun, but that does not mean my personal life is not! So last night I was sleeping away dreaming about unicorns and pasta and I was abruptly woken up by Dust telling me I HAD to try this new gum he had. He begged and pleaded I try it because it was so mouthwatering and delicious. I rub my eyes and sit up thinking what in Sam Houston is going on, he wants me to chew gum? I stick out my hand he got so excited and rips open a piece of gum, I half eyed chewed it for a few minutes thinking to my self ya ya its alright nothing special that I needed to be woken up at 2AM to chew. So I look over to tell Dust thanks for the "mouthwatering" gum and he's already asleep practically snoring and still has his gum in his mouth chewing away in his sleep. What a weirdo who does that? So now I am awake chewing gum so I decide to finish reading my book..as I am in the middle of crying my eyes out because the ending is so good I get started by both my dogs jumping up on all fores growling at the corner of the room. I wipe my once happy tears and sit up alert looking in the direction of the dogs and I see and hear nothing. I wait and wait they are still growling and slightly barking, after 15 minutes of this I get out of bed and go look around the house and the dogs followed me sheepishly and acting strange. I find nothing so I decide to watch some bravo and by now its 5AM and so we all go back to bed. I jumped into bed and the dogs jump in bed with me, some kind of protection dogs I got ey?? I toss and turn then all of a sudden Dusts alarm starts going bananas I jump out of bed again and turn it off and think to myself WTF is going on in this room, is it possessed? I have come to the conclusion we have a ghost in our bedroom named Joey, he came with us from our last house and I guess he is back. So any suggestions on how to get rid of him for good is welcomed. So I am back in bed its almost 6AM and Dust had been chomping away on his gum all night and I hear him not chewing on his gum, he is very sexily sleeping with his mouth open so I try to look in it for the gum, it is no where to be found! GREAT there are only two options for this scenario A. He swallowed it or B. He spit it out and it is somewhere in our beautiful bed. I decide he is still breathing so he is fine. I finally go back to sleep and continue my dream of unicorns and pasta. As I wake up and shower I come out of the bathroom to find Dust sitting up looking at his arm all crazy and he saying, "What the hello kitty is this on my arm!!!" AHH HA!! THE GUM!!  Yup its the gum he is peeling it off his hairy arm very painfully. That is what you get for chewing gum and falling asleep! Night Night Joey!

Now for my favorite part of the blog..FOOD! I would like to share with you Seabreeze fish market. It is located off Preston and Spring Creek in the shopping center as Weirs and it is SO good! http://www.seabreezefish.com/

We go here on lots of date nights because Dust loves it so much. I think it is so nice to have such fresh fish so close and everything on the menu is divine. If you sign up online for their e-mails you will receive a coupon for a few appetizer sampler plate which is the best! It has these huge shrimp, tuna nachos and little salmon cups. If it is chilly outside I would defiantly recommend the clam chowder it is super authentic and clammy! If your in the mood for soup then I suggest the LOBSTER ROLL!!!! Ugh its FAN freakin Tastic!! Its so true to New England even the buns come from there. They get them shipped in daily. It is so light on the mayo and a perfect amount of parsley to make it taste so fresh!! I love love love it! They serve it with fires, cole slaw, and crunch hush puppies. My perfect meal! Dust always always gets the fish and chips hands down, he loves it! Never leaves one bite of perfectly cooked halibut left on his plate! It comes with fries, slaw and hush puppies as well. I always like to have a nibble and it is the best fish and chips I have had in Dallas. They recently expanded and it now has a large bar and more tables so there is always room for you! If you are in the hood you should for sure try it!!

Monday 26 March 2012

Whats up guys!! Its Monday again and I am not buzzed (bummer!) They did the tasting yesterday so no wine makes me not fine ;o( Anyways at work today it was a boring Monday morning! Nothing much went on at work. But I have some stories about Mr. Lee he's dang funny and does not realize it. He is from the middle east and his English is not the clearest. He was showing me around the kitchen and showing me his amazing coffee and was telling me how fabulous his "French Toast" coffee was...I was like what kind of coffee is that, sounds delicious!! Then I read the package "French Roast"....ohhh ok I see where this is going. Next he wants to show me how Siri does not listen to him because she can not understand his accent. He says.."Lacy sit down watch Mrs. Siri no listen to me when I give order" So...I take a seat, if I had some wine and slippers on this would be some good entertainment. Here is there very intellectual conversation via Iphone, Mr. Lee to Siri,.."SIRI TAKE NOTE I WANT 3 BOTTLES OF CAKEBREAD DELIVER TOMORROW OK SIRI OK?????!!?!?"...lol....Siri,"Ok Mr. Lee I will give you directions to Dunkin Donuts off Preston road" .....Mr. Lee, "WHAT!!! I NO SAY THAT DAMMIT I SAY CAKEBREAD!!!!!"...Siri,"OK Mr. Lee I have looked up the most kick butt person in the world and Chuck Norris is it, would you like me to search the web for more information on Chuck Norris?"...Mr. Lee," WHO IS NORRIS CHUCK!?? I ORDER WINE NOT NINJA DAMMIT!"....By this point I am crying laughing so hard he slams down the phone and walks off rambling something about hating technology and whoever the heck Siri and Norris is. This happens often, he tells me to do stuff and I have no clue what he says but I make the best of what he says and turns out he wanted google directions to downtown and I gave him a directions to a hooka lounge in downtown, he looks at me so confused and I am like "What did you ask for!??! "...'OOGLE downtown car map!!"...oh oh ohhhhh I get it he wants me to print him a map of how to get to downtown!! I have gotten better with it but I still can't help but laugh hard and often!!

Now on the the good part! the Food!! I have a HUGE obsession with scallops right now and have been eating them almost daily! So I researched a restaurant with the BEST scallops and so we went. SUSHI SAKE in Richardson off Collins road is phenomenal! Here is the website..sushi-sake.com  I beg Dust to take me here at least 3-4 times a week. So of course I had to write a review about them! We have been quite a few times so I will lay it all out there. Sushi Sake gets SUPER busy around 7pm so the sooner you get there the better otherwise you will be waiting which is not so bad because they bring you a drink and it goes by pretty quickly. Whats pretty cool about this restaurant is the decor which is dark and authentic and, they have these large tables which are called community tables so you may end up sitting with a few other people and may strike up a conversation! We love to sit at the sushi bar because they are so freaking nice and funny! Plus our sushi comes quick. Now for what to order, we always start off with the scallop appetizer  which is tempura scallops, and mushrooms in a silky sexy sauce which will leave you licking the plate. Next you must try the homemade Goyza they are perfection in a bundle, also the edamame is nice and salty! For the sushi portion of the meal I go with the scallop volcano and its not like those other cheesy places where it looks like a freaking volcano exploding in mayo, this one is delicate with a tiny bit of mayo over super fresh California rolls, it really is perfect, every single bit yummm!!! Now Dust gets a handful of sushi he loves the normal tempura roll, rainbow roll, and best of all the spicy tuna. All three are very very good and very fresh. Personally this place bets Nobu, Blue fish, Steele. Also, they have great wine choices I go with the German Riesling because you cant go wrong with a German wine! My stomach is turning now I may be there tonight, join me if you dare!

Friday 23 March 2012

Lets Kick This Off Right

Woot Woooo I am backkkkk! So lets kick this party off right! Today at restaurant Grandmas it was your average hectic day, I had an appointment with two older gentlemen at 9:30AM they wanted to come "see the place" or they are just very old and very board to want to wake up at the crack of dawn and come look at a restaurant. I start to show them around and we stop on the patio and they spot a duck on the patio and their old minds got fixated on this duck and how he is going to get out of this basket she lives in on the patio. Well duh she flys? She's a duck, he wants me to call the ASPCA and ask them for advice. Here is how our conversation would go, "Hello ASPCA,"..Me:" Hi I have a question a duck lives on our patio in a basket and we are concerned with how she's going to get out of the basket any suggestions?"...ASPCA, "Welp lady, she's going to fly out of it she is a bird!"..Me, "Ohhh really OK I had NO idea..THANKS!" Problem solved! Old men are happy, and I look dumber than usual. So I booked the old men for a Senior Citizens party, sure sounds like a blast hope I am invited. Next on my list was just booking parties, then the owners left and three ladies ordered a Fuzzy Navel (so 1990's I know) and the waiters did not know how to make the drink so, they asked me (like I would know or something?) So I casually strut to the bar pull out some hard liquors throw in a dash of peach, lime juice, and wine then BAM you got your self a updated version of the fuzzy navel.  The ladies loved it! ( I would rather go to their party, someone who drinks at 11:30 am on a Friday is a friend of mine!) After everyone is happy I do the dip, time to finish my work day! Back to Grandmas on Monday and we got wine tastings so if my blog does not make sense please don't blame me.

As for my restaurant portion of his blog I would like to salute MR. WOK in Plano off 14th- http://mr-wok.com/

This place is a old KFC or something turned into yummy Chinese food. It has been voted as the best Chinese food in Plano from D magazine so we (as in Dust and I) had to give it a try. We started off with the seared edamame and you can ask for it spicy or not ( we got spicy!) This is hands down the best edamame we have ever had they sear it in hot oil and spice it up and it comes with a dipping sauce which just makes it that much better. For our entree if you go for lunch which we normally do you can get egg drop soup or a pork egg roll, fried rice and a choice of an entree for only..hold your breath you ready for this? Ok here it goes $5.95!!!!! Are you joking me?? I cant even get a smile at KFC for that price. The food comes out super quick and the waitress as we had yesterday might even want to take a seat and talk nails. "What is saaaalack??? It looks so good I mean I got my nails painted and look its like peeling ugh, stupid guy only put one coat on and I am like mannnn what are you doing I need two coats, extra??? what hell no so next time I go I ask for shhhhaaaalacckkk right??" You know casual girl talk at a KFC I mean Chinese restaurant. SOO sorry back to what we ordered we both got  the pork lo mein with fried rice and a egg roll and hell ya its freaking bomb, him and I hardly even spoke during out lunch because it was that good. So if you are looking for a new place for Chinese food and you may be on a budget try Mr. Wok you wont be disappointed and if you are ill owe ya $5.95!

I Am Back!

Hello friends and folk! I am back as a kind of sort of a GM to a real posh restaurant and as a food boss hogger blogger. I decided to re-vamp my blog becasue 1. Yall missed me 2. I am pretty funny 3. I got stories to tell! So this will be a al a mode to my life working in a hetic restaurant and trying to see how big I can get by eating out 24/7. I will not use real names so for example I work at Grandmas Restaurant and my boss is Mr. Lee some co workers are Marty, June, Bumble bee. Ya know normal names. I will also add in my expereiences when I go to this knock your britches off fancy places or hole in the butt restaurtants where I know they did not get an A on health inspection but come to find out they did and I am still grossed out. I am still at Grandmas right now but will update it later this afternoon. TTYL!

Wednesday 6 July 2011

I Am In Trouble I Know!!

I am so sorry you guys! I have been so so so busy traveling, school, work, work, work! I will fill yall in on what has happened since May. June was a good month I started my 3rd German class and it was super hard we were learning about German politics and reading pages and pages in German and writing papers in German ah! Also, the parents were out of town a lot in June so I had to work almost everyday and every night. The kids are doing well lots has been going on, one day they hate me one day they love me a very bipolar relationship. In September the two oldest kids will be going to boarding school so I am still uncertain about my future here so we will see.  July has been good I finished my German class and today I went to Chec Republic with my friend Mimi to go buy some stuff duty free. Came home played soccer and painted with the kids. I will update my blog tomorrow! Love yall

Tuesday 24 May 2011

A short cute story

So Bena and I were driving home from school and I decided to take a back route ( like I know a back route) and we are jamming out windows down, hes in his car seat, sun glasses on we look cool ya know. and I am driving all around completely lost and he finally realizes it and turns the music down and says "Lacee where you go???" I said "Duh I am showing you things you have never seen in your neighborhood before!! Look that house is crappy, and the grass needs to mowed! Look that person got a new fence! Look they have 2 border collies!!' He gets my roll and he rolls with me..."Lace! That house has ugly paint! That car is cool! Look they have bird house!" and so now I finally figure out where we are and I head down the right way to our house and he loved out game at looking at all the neighbors houses he made me go the other direction so we could do it longer! It was cute! His English is getting so so so good! I am so proud of him! He really does pick up on everything I say, and he understands it which is most important! "Lace look they have cat and dog!!!" we ended our mini tour by me telling him " See Bena you learn new stuff everyday about things that are right in our neighborhood!" His response "Ya! can we get lost tomorrow lace?" awwww!

The Circus

We went to the circus last weekend! It was so much fun!! The kids sat in the row in front of me we each had pamphlets the kids brought their friends it was nice...actually there was no circus. We were the circus as in my family and I and the kids friends. It was really the oldest child in my family's confirmation. It was a 3 day party and 30 people flew in from all over. The first night we went to a castle here called Schlottes Edberg it was super nice and we had an amazing dinner. I sat at the kids table and sat next to interesting 15 year old who decided to give me a brief update on the world, finances, and politics. Fun! not! Anyways so the next day we went back to the castle for breakfast then took a boat down the Elbe river to our house and the chef from the castle and their staff were here to make us dinner. Super fancy whole nine yards waiters, champagne, desserts. We ate dinner and all 15 kids and I played soccer it was fun no one cried which is a first so that made it even better! The next day is where my circus story comes in to play. So its Sunday the day of the confirmation and we have to get up at the butt crack of dawn and all 15 kids are at the house and we have to have our suits, dresses and shoes on and out the door by 8:00AM everyone!! Ok so the morning starts out a little rough but were all in the car on the way to the church all 30 of us. I am in the car and Jules hands me her Itouch to hold for her I am in such a rush I just grab it and stick it in my jacket. We get to the church and we all pile out and I am thinking to my self there is no way this is the church this thing is the size of a sardine can, it literally holds 31 people and we are 30 so to bad to sad for the rest of the 170 people supposed to be there this morning.  We get in and take almost every row up in the church I am behind the 14 kids to monitor them because I know this will not go well. Jules ask for her I touch and I give it to her and tell her if she plays on it in church I will kill her. She nods ok. Bena is sitting in front of me next to his friend who is trouble with a capital T and I know this is going to be one heck of a outing to church. By now all 170 people are coming in with no seats because we took them all and they are standing every which way they can to hear and see. Great now its 120 degrees, I am claustrophobic, and dont understand what the priest is saying, just swell! So the priest is gabbering about in Germany about who knows what all I care about is that my row of devil kids are behaving which of course they are not because they are bored out of their minds. Rolling up the pamphlet begins Bena hits the trouble kid, he hits back, bena hits back, there is a full on war of hitting. I grab Bena and say no way jose not right now!! so he stops. I look 2 kids down and she is making her pamphlet into a airplane and flying it down the row, freaking great. I look 3 kids down and guess what sneaky devil thought she should play Angry Birds in church..yup Jules. I grab that as fast as she could tell it was gone. By now we are entertaining the whole church, everyone is watching me grab kids, take I touches, hit the back of heads. Circus I tell ya circus. Now Bena wants me to put cream on his ear because he got bit by a bug so I am creaming his ear, while he is dying laughing at the little girl across from us who is passed out and snoring. Things calm down now and I am happy and its time to stand up to say a prayer ( I think?) and so we stand and I see Trouble pulling Benas chair so when he sits hes going to end up on the floor. I know I am a bad person for not stopping him but I was also bored as well and thought I will catch him if he does fall. The prayer ends I can not contain my self what what I know is about to happen...Bena starts to sit in the air and hes going hes going he falls and boop he catches his tiny hiney on the edge of the seat and it stops his fall! He looks back at me like I did and whispers sooo loud "LACY NEIN!!!!" I am laughing so hard I cant stop it was soooo funny hes so darn cute! I now know why we do not attend church on a regular basis..we are a hooten, hollern, traveling circus! xoxo


I will be updating my blog hopefully today! I got 3-4 new blogs to write so bare with me! Its been crazy busy here! So check back later today or tomorrow!! xoxox


I will be updating my blog hopefully today! I got 3-4 new blogs to write so bare with me! Its been crazy busy here! So check back later today or tomorrow!! xoxox

Sunday 22 May 2011

Off to the Circus!

Last weekend we went to the circus! It was so much fun! We had great seats, we were on time,

Thursday 19 May 2011

Wednesday 11 May 2011

The 411 on European Bike Riding

This blog is dedicated to not the rules but why there are rules because the bells in my head just rang. Yesterday I decided I needed to go on a bike riding because taking care of kids all day deserves some alone time. So to prepare for my bike ride I got a pair of adorable Lulu Lemon shorts, a white v-neck and my tennis shoes. Had my ipod strapped to my arms my ghetto broken ear phones in and I was ready to go! I start off on the bike ride and im noticing little things hitting me and specks on my shirt but I was so into my music I didnt look. I am just peddling along singing my song, looking cute ( I think) and I start to pass a super crowded beer garden/ sand volleyball cafe and I notice I am peddling into a mass of nasty little bugs and then one spats on my chest and I scream, ear phones go flying, I am slapping my chest, bike is swerving my mouth is open from my screaming so bugs are flying to my mouth and I finally go off the path into the grass. The cafe is silent. I look like a total dumba$$! So I put my self back together this entails I fan out my shirt because those specks on it was not dirt it was mesquitos! I look in my sports bra about 10 bugs in there I freak out on and dump out, head phones back in, spit bugs out of my mouth and I was ready to go (AGAIN!). So the 411 is I now know why the bikes wear those crazy skin tight outfights, goofy clear goggles, helmets, and turtlenecks. The skin tight outfits are so no bugs get on your skin ( unlike me in my white white v neck and tiny shorts) Turtleneck shirts so no bugs fly into your sports bra and you are slapping your chest like a gorilla in front of a cafe. Goggles because they freaking fly into your eye and it hurts and you may cry. A helmet not only for safety but I noticed they put their chin to their chest when they are coming up to a mass of bugs and it gets from getting in their face and most important ( for me at least!) their hair! Bugs were all up in my hair yesterday so gross I showered for 30 minutes to get all of Dresden off me.

Today I am going to go bike riding with all the information I learned yesterday. I am going to wear long yoga pants, a normal t-shirt with insect repellent, sunglasses ( sun or not ) and a ball cap! I will be ready to go farther, longer, and I may not look cute but I am getting a good work out from it and my alone time!

Kids are good I thought them the game "Nose Goes" this is where when you are doing something and you dont want to for example playing soccer and you kick the ball out of bounds and you dont want to get it you put your finger on your nose and the last person with their finger on their nose has to go get it. So there has been lots of fingers on noses, and nothing being done. Once again close but no cigar kinder!

School is good had my German final exam for A2 and I got 50 points out of 60! Thats a 90 you guys! The only reason I didnt get 100 is my grammar is horrible! But its the same for English so lets not count your chickens before they hatch lady!

Monday 9 May 2011

Soccer Queen and Clothing King

Today I am worn out!! My little Loompy ( aka little crook in German) Played soccer and I just wanted to recap for yall our conversation. It may not make sense but it sure is funny the way we communicate! This is how the conversation goes..Loompy "Lacy you play soccer mit me? Peasssssss" So of course I go and its bloody hot out today, but I go like a good sport that I am. We start playing, I do a little stretching to delay the beating I am about to take from this 7 year old. I even try distracting him to a push up contest, didnt work he wants to play soccer NOW!! Fine I get in my goal he gets in his. I yell "Your going down, down to China town!!!" he screams back "Your China town!!" lol. He counts to 3 so this means he runs and kicks the ball as hard as he can at me while I either A. Duck B. Fall on purpose to distract him C. Jump and hit it with my head.. It usually ends in A. I am in a little ball on the ground, eyes closed and all I hear in the background is "TOLLLLL!!!!!!!! LACY NULL (0) ME 1!!!!!!!"  So i suggest we change the game because I am sick of grass stains on my knees to something else. This is why I love little kids they have such a great imagination to where they can think up a new game in a instant! "Ok Lacy you stand in your goal, I stand in mine, ball in middle, I count 1..2..3.. and we run and kick ok?!" Ok I think this cant be to hard...Game begins I give him a head start because I am a kind person and the next thing you know I am getting smacked with the ball in my stomach and I am on the ground and I here the most famous line I have ever taught him, "WINNER WINNER CHICKEN DINNER!!!" And I yelled backkkk "NEEIINNNN NO CHICKEN DINNER" and he hollers back "YESSS CHICKEN DINNER!!!" and I said "NO YOU GET POTATOES!!!" He thinks about it for a minute and yells back "You get Potatoes!" SO we restart our game and I am in my goal hes in his, hes counting to 3 and I say wait wait! Turn our backs then count of 3 we run at the same time, he agrees we turn around.. he counts to 3 and I dont run I stay and the next thing I know I am getting pounded in my back with a soccer ball so hard. I turn around and hes dying laughing so I start to chase him and I grab him, throw him on the ground, and say you know whats funny!!! I tickle him till he cant breath! He loves it, he always says "Lacy we go outside and you tickle me? Peass?" So I got him good! We decided we needed a water break, we go inside and I try to distract him again by suggesting a water chugging contest. We each fill up a cup with water and count to 3... We start chugging our water and I look over and Loompy is spitting it in the sink! So we restart because he needs a head start..1....2...3.. Chug!! We start again I kill him slam my cup down and yell "Winner Winner Chicken Dinner!!!" I also remind him I spent 5 years in the best college ever and I think I have way more experience chugging things then he does. We go back outside to continue our game, he suggest I do a flipflop ( he loves when I do backhand springs) So I do one regular old back hand spring for him. He wants two now. I do two. He wants three, I tell him I am not in the circus two is enough.  OUr next game is called "Tricks" He does a trick, I do a trick. I am his personal Seal I juggle a ball on my head and he loves it. Well Benas trick was super tricky and he kicks it as high as he can go. SO he kicks it instead of high, far! So far it goes into the neighbors yard. I am like "Supar Bena, just Supar! , Now go get it!" So we get to the concrete fence and he obviously cant get over it so we pull a "Sandlot" (yall remember that movie with the baseball and the dog) So I tell Bena there is a huge dog over there and he needs to be careful. He climbs up my back stands on my shoulders and gets on the fence he jumps down and runs after the ball, grabs it kicks it over. Now we got to get him back, I am reaching for his arms, cant reach him. we find some rocks and I tell him to climb him and I grab his arms and grab him and we jump off the fence safe! So we are sitting on the bench out of breath and I start singing "Our house..." and he finishes my sentence "In the middle of the street" lol hes so cute! The game ends for lunch and I now have a new place at the dinner table because I want to sit next to Kat and Bena. So I am at the end Bena is on my right, kicking me all lunch. So at this point the older kid was saying something about someone at his school had a moldy sandwich and he still ate it and right as he is saying this I grab Benas feet and start tickling him till hes roaring in laughter and everyone at the table looks at Bena like, " You think thats funny Bena, he had to eat a moldy sandwich" lol and we didnt tell anyone what we did so we just laughed together. To get to clothing part of the story Bena loves my clothes and he loves when I get dressed up especially in dresses. We were going to dinner one night and I had on a black dress that Bena picked out for me so he liked it alot I guess. I walk outside and realize its way to cold for my dress so I change into jeans and a sweater and I come out of my room and his face looked like I just told him Santa wasnt real "Lacy why you change out of dress????" I said, "Its to cold Bena" he looks at the floor, "Oh" and I ask him, "Aww Bena did you like me in my dress?"..still looking down, "Yes.." lol So adorable. Now whenever I get ready I always ask him to come help me because he likes me getting dressed up!

So now we have been only speaking German in the house, its hard I understand but not all. We have a jar that we have to pay money in if anyone speaks German. This last 2 minutes, the jar is gone. Thank goodness. Its improving my German but I just dont speak as often because I would rather just listen ;o) Everything is going smooth I am done with my A2 class on Friday and move on to B1 on Monday, half way done with my German school! Ill ttyl!!

Thursday 5 May 2011

When Summer Is Here My Allergies Fear

I have to worst allergies ever, to everything, everyone, every plant, everything! I have tried every medicine Germany has to offer, this has not worked so I had my mother send me some normal American stuff. So far still dieing. This post is about to get a little to detailed and embarrassing so please stop reading if you dont wish to know about my bodily functions and unawareness of people. Well here goes nothing, as you all read about I have horrible, allergies this triggers from unknown crap in the air that make my nose run all day long. I should get my nose a tennis shoe so it doesn't get tired from running all day. So after running all day it dries up. Well this may mean the occasional dryness in my nose maybe a booger but I would rather not use that word so it is a dried surprise. This one night I was driving home around 10 pm, in my tinted less window car...this story is about to get good. So I am driving and here at night time the place gets empty, no on around for miles so I think this would be a good time to wipe my nose of any dried surprises, I am stopped at a red light perfection opportunity to fix my self and help my nose out from all the hard work from that day. I have a Kleenex and I am rubbing my nose and I hear dying laughter coming from my passenger side, I turn and look and there is about 5 people waiting for the bus at the bus stop that I happened to have not noticed. They were watching me the whole time enjoying me at my most embarrassing moment. I wouldn't doubt if I was singing to while fixing myself who knows all I know is I was mortified. This allergy dryness seems to continue as the days progress making my nose horrible!! I think Kleenex should sponsor me for all the advertising I have done for them.  So me checking my nose in my rear view mirror happens often and people see me often but they dont know what I am going through! Its better I catch it before hard and take care of it in my vehicle then in public. Even thou I would consider my car a public place since my windows are freaking clear as water. Just wanted to inform yall of my nose issues, so if anyone sees me with a Kleenex its because this place is to green and to nice for my concrete life I came from!

Wednesday 4 May 2011

I Got a Pet!!

The family was soo nice to have gotten me a pet! Its the best pet in the world,  I don't have to fed him, clean his litter box or take him outside, hes potty trained, i don't have to fed him either! Best pet ever huh? Its a cute little 7 year old parrot! Can you believe that a parrot? Actually my parrot is my adorable little kid here Bena, who is now my parrot because he repeats everything I say in English. Its good except when he literally picks up on everything, I thought he didn't know English 3 months ago when I got here and now I have him singing Michael Jackson! Bena and I hang out alot because he thinks im funny and fun! lol not! He hangs out with me because of this special tool I have, my Iphone! What is even cooler is that I can download any game I want! Heaven to him, hell for me! I now have a whole collection of kids games on the 2nd page of my Iphone. Therefor I suffer the consequences of never having my Iphone anymore and now hearing my little one say every night and day, rain or sun, come hell of high water... "Lacy can I plawy angrewy bwirds please please pleaseeeee Lacy please angrewy bwrids Rio editwion" Then with the bat of an eye I hear the most annoying sounds of angry birds ever for the next 5 hours, yesterday we downloaded "Cut the Rope" and I literally want too! My little parrot has also picked up on my sports lingo, because after teaching them "American Football" I had to throw in some lingo too of course, to make our game more realistic; so I hear this often..."Blwe 42 blew 42 hut hut!" lol I know he does not know what it means exactly, but it sure is cute to hear that when eating breakfast, I am thinking, "why in the world is he saying that right now?", hope he doesn't pick up on to much I say (wink wink!) Next he has grown fond of the one and only, Michael Jackson after hearing this one song on his Ipod  during our "discos" aka I put on music really loud so he cleans without talking lol. One day last week, we were outside by the pool and I hear "Bwilly jean is not my luver,, yaaa, Bwilly Jean....ya" Close but no cigar! Its precious! He picks up quick on things, my little parrot, I was laying out by the pool in Portugal and I saw we had a lemon tree, so I sent my bird up it to fetch me a lemon to make my hair blonder! My Parrot goes up the tree and 5 seconds later I am getting bombarded with lemons. So he may not know what one means, but he can play football and sing Michael Jackson, this is a good start. Next my little parrot climbs down and I tell him to please peel my lemon and cut it in half for me, he stares at me confused, because he did not understand, so I take the lemon bit into it and rip it in half. Even more confused I hear.."Lacy!!! Was are you doing!!!!" I say, "listen here kid, watch the power of a fruit" and I squeeze it all over my hair. He is dumbfounded at this point I am sure he is thinking, "Who is this weird girl from Texas rubbing lemons all over her hair in my backyard" and I tell him wait and it will be blonder later today after I lay in the sun! I continue to lay out while parrot plays Angrewy Bwirds Rio Edwition next to me. That night I was saying goodnight to him and I walk into his room and he says "Lacy your hair is blonder!!" I said I know cool right?!  Wait you understand about the lemons and my hair?? Parrot then delivered lemons to me everyday by the pool. Hes my sweet pea. Today he was kind enough to blackmail me a blue pen if I let him play Cut the Rope, it worked I got a new pen and he has unlocked 4 boxes. Whatever. Thats my new motto lol! Love yall hope all is well!!

Friday 29 April 2011

Asparagus Soup with a Poached Egg

So a friend of my bosses gave me a good idea that I should put recipes up on my blog because she tried my soup and loved it so I decided to share! I must say hands down best soup I have EVER cooked it's so freaking good! Here is the recipe and please comment if you cook it or what you think your feed back is appreciated! Happy almost May!!

Asparagus soup with a poached egg and white truffle oil!

For the soup:

2 tablespoons butter
2 tablespoons flour
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/8 teaspoon pepper
2 cups milk
3/4 pound fresh asparagus
boiling water
salt and pepper -- to taste
Handful of Paramesan cheese too


Make the white sauce: Melt butter in a saucepan over low heat. Blend in flour, 1/2 teaspoon salt and 1/8 teaspoon pepper. Stir until smooth. Add milk; cook, stirring constantly, until mixture thickens and begins to bubble.
Set aside.
Wash asparagus and cut in 1/2-inch pieces. Cook asparagus in a small amount of boiling water until tender, about 5 minutes. Drain, reserving the cooking liquid. Set aside a few of the asparagus tips or pieces aside for garnish, if desired. Mash or blend remaining asparagus; set aside. Add enough boiling water to cooking liquid to make 1 cup; add white sauce and pureed asparagus. Heat thoroughly; season to taste with salt and pepper. Add whole asparagus pieces and Parmesan cheese! Then follow my next step to take this soup beyond!

1. Poach an egg just plain and simple
2. Dish the soup out in a pretty bowl
3. Put the poached egg in the middle of the soup
4. Toast a thin slice of bread and place in bowl
5. Drizzle soup with white truffle oil
6. Sprinkle all with more parmesan and cracked black pepper!

To die for! Love yall xo

Serves 4 to 6.

Tuesday 26 April 2011

With Love From Portugal!

Hello my loves!! We made it here in one piece believe it or not! I got all the kids up, bags packed and to the airport on time! When we got there we checked in and went to our gate the first thing the kids did was sit down and all 4 got out their books and read till we boarded! We then landed in Frankford and had a 3 hour lay over so we decided on Japenese food and sat down ordered and we all dug into our delicious food! I decided mine needed just a little something more and I reach for the pepper and add a dash... I look down and a dash turned in to the whole flipping pepper shaker spilled out into my soup!!! I was sooo mad but the kids were laughing so I played it cool like I wasn't hungry. So after lunch I gave the kids 10 euros to get lost and go get sone candy while I booked it to a near by bakery and got a ginormus chocolate crossint. I was checking out and guy asked me if it was for here or to go and I said Togo I got 4 kids! He said I know I saw, and I prayed to the sweet lord about u would come back to me, and you did!! Are they all yours?!? I said u think I'm old enough to be their mom?? Lol so I took my goodies and bounced! I came back to the gate to find my 4 angels reading and eating Pringles. We boarded and I sat next to Bena and Kat we tickled, laughed, ate, and thru olives on each other the whole plane ride it was so fun! We arrived at our wonderful house and watched movies, drank wine and relaxed! Easter came on Sunday we woke up hadA nice big breakfast then went on egg hunt! After the beach then steak dinner! I taught the kids American football that was fun!! I was team Fitch with the girls and the boys were team Abercrombie! We played till someone cried. Last night I opened up my own casino in the house the kids all had chips and I was the dealer we played black jack and it was so cute the kids saying hit or stay and trying to count the cards they did better then me! But remember I had a math tutor since I was 1 so give me a break! Mow I have the kids being my servants I lay on the couch and KIK message everyone I know one rubs my back and says "lacy is this ok?? Do you like 1 or 2?" and one sitting in front of me feeding me peanuts 1 taking my order for what I want for dinner I said "can I have a flask or red wine, a grilled cat and some bread please!" and make it snappy! I'm not am elephant peanuts don't fill me up! He came back with a water.. I said is this from the sink or filtered he gives a guilty smile ( yes this is the one who stole my cereal) "it's filtered" he says... I say "Benaaaaa!!!" he was lying but I drink it ne way! So that's about it kids r great I love them, portigal is amazing and all is well xo

Wednesday 20 April 2011

Cereal Crook

Looks like we got a cereal crook on our hands..This one beautiful and warm day I went to the store and found "Coco Puffs" Never have I been more excited to eat some good 'ol American cereal for breakfast. I get home and I dont show the kids because I know they will go nutso over my chocolate flavored fake cereal. One evening the kids find it and taste it and decided this is the best cereal ever and everyone wants it...till I step in...Like a wild west movie the back ground music comes in "Na na naaa...(whistling) Na na na....(whistling)..."Howdy there partner, thats my cereal might wanna put her down and keep going on down the road" lol so that didnt happen but thats how I pictured it would go down. Instead it went like this 'NEINNNNN DAS IST MEINE MUSLI FUR MEINE FRUSTUCK!" aka NOOOOO that is my cereal for my breakfast... so they put it away and the little one comes up to me..."Laceee (batting his eyes) Kann ish habe ein bisson bitte" aka Can I have a little bit...pleaseee..of course I give in. "okay Bena just ein bisson!!" he has a little bit and I decided I wanted some too. I was playing around and a few puffs dropped off my spoon on my plate ( I didnt notice, but someone else did..) The next thing I know Bena is being so sweet and wanting to sit on my lap and Im like aww hes so cute and nice so I put him on my lap the next thing I know hes grabbing my plate and eating the 2 puffs that dropped. He jumps off after he gets what he wants. SO the next morning I come down stairs and I see Bena at the table and I holler "GUTEN MORGAN!" (good morning!!) Usually my little sweet pea says Morgan Lace..today not a peep, doesnt even look at me! I am like whats wrong Bena, and I go and sit next to him, he freezes he wont move his head, his spoon sitting so still as if hes an animal in hiding and I am about to hunt him down. I am so confused..till I look in his bowl..there is the evidence right there to his behavior.. My Cereal! He decides to eat it as fast as he can to get rid of the evidence, to make his guilt 10 times worse I continue to sit next to him and watch him and make little remarks.."Smeck gut Bena??" "Is das sooooo licka Bena???"" aka is that yummy, is that so good?? His guilty little face said it all. It was cute and he never did it again.. lesson learned. Cereal 0 Bena 1..Off to Portugal love yall ill update yall on the beach tom!

PS: Katschi and I were on the trampoline jumping and I told her about the hail in Dallas and how we had to get a new roof and how it was going to cost a boat load!! she replies "HEALTHY!!!" ummm Healthy wtf she learned it in school that day lol it was funny now I always say "Healthy!!!" to her

Wednesday 13 April 2011

Me in Action

Follow the leader is still in full swing...I showed the kids a "trick" tonight at dinner ..I swallow a whole noodle and pulled it back up..now I have 4 kids choking on noodles and 2 angry parents.. after dinner I took the kids up stairs and here is a glimpse of our lives together lol..


(If you are confused, Bena gave me one of his pink shoes and took my pink slipper and I want my slipper back)

I like German rap music its kinda catchy and I can sing it..the kids laugh but I can sing it! Getting ready for the weekend its Jules Birthday and I cant wait for the trampoline!! Double bounce here I comeee!


Monday 11 April 2011

A few thoughts I would like to share

1. I am the bomb.com at driving stick... I know this because I yell at other drives and I am European now..obviously (scroll back to rules of bike riding if you are lost)
2. I should of learned to parallel park in drives ed, thanks Mr. White for telling me I will never need it unless I move to San Francisco. Your wrong I need it every day here!!!!
3. I dont miss American music..well I dont think I do..
4. I do miss Ranch dressing..but I dont think it misses me
5. CNN stands for Center of Negative News..so now I watch German info commercials not good for my brain but good for my German.
6. Europeans think when you say something is "The best thing you ever had" they really think you mean it..For example my French friend Clem made me a amazing muffin with onions and mushrooms and I told her as I was eating it "This is the best muffin ever!!" and she was like "Wow really!?!?! Thanks!"" lol then she realzied from our previous conversation the day before that Americans always say something is the best thing ever to exaggerate how much they like something.. Then we laughed..but it was the best not sweet muffin I had ever had so see Clem!
7. This goes back to number 6.. Yesterday we were at Elis new bakery opening and I had a piece of cake and I told Katshi "This is the best cake ever!!" and she looked at me confused and said " I thought you said the cinnamon rolls you made were the best thing ever??" I said "those were too" she said "So the best thing ever to you is cinnamon rolls, that cake and your spaghetti" I said lol yup..they are funny huh?
8. I love driving on the autobahn, gives you a sense of freedom
9.  I am working on my German its getting hard every class..there are so many rules its crazy I dont know if I will ever learn them..
10. My dad was going to send me stuff I missed..all I could think of was Mayonnaise so I think its best if he didnt send that to me..im trying to fit into my swimsuits in Portugal..
11. When we go outside Bena likes me to wear his vest..Dont know why be he always hands it to me to wear..hes 7 im 24..its a little snug...
12. Jules got a Trampoline for her birthday..let the fun begin!!

I got loads of HW, kids to drive, dogs to walk, soccer balls to kick, and noodles to make I am a busy bee!! love yall!

Follow the Leader

I am the leader obviously. Well since I am the role model for the kinder here is what they now all want to do because of me.. I let one change the gear for me in my white car and now they all want to ride up front and change it for me..I rubbed my car today and told her I am sorry for all the pain I have put her through. The kids think Zwei is 4th gear Ines is reverse its not good for the poor car or my sanity lol. I am over exaggerating...kinda. The second thing is Twister..we all know this game but now I am playing it in German I will give you an example from our last game..."Rot FuB Grun" aka red foot green..."Link hand Gelb" aka left hand yellow...were all bent over at this point im behind Bena and I look up and I see his cute little bottom and then all of a sudden a cute little...Fart! right on my face it was so delightful I had to excuse myself from the game..kids... Now Twister is the highlight of everyone's day to play..I am being cautious to not be behind anyone anymore. The next thing is my bed at night.. if i go up the stairs you will be sure to hear 8 more sets of feet running up them  behind me...then the next thing you know I got 2-4 kids in my bed taking of their socks, sweaters, pulling off my pillows, sheets making them selves nice and comfy to watch me type on my computer. But last night was fun me and 2 of the kids played "SMASH" yall remember that game right?? We had to put a city, name, job, blah blah but it had to be in German so it was a good way to learn my German and chill with the kiddos! The next is bike riding...Bena likes to show me his killer skills on the bike this includes going really fast and slamming the brakes to make a nice long black skid make down their driveway and I yell "SUPPPAR" lol his other trick is giving me a high five as he goes up and down the drive way...so once this started everyone else wants to get on their bikes make huge black skid makes and slap my hand. I am now a human high five toll booth. Hope no one minds the huge black skid marks..cross your fingers for rain ;o) The next is food.. I love to cook as we all know but apparently no one likes my cooking here..this can be good for me because I cook everything I like so I get to eat it all and never worry. Well one kid will try something I make and decide he/she hates it so that automatically goes for the rest..So last night I make this bomb.com pasta with pesto and tomatoes thinking surely no one will like this so I offer it to Bena he looks at it and says "NEIN  LACY DAS IS GRUN!!!" aka NO Lacy that is Green!!!!  I am like good no one else will want it..the next kid comes in and Bena tells him "AH Lacy Machen Grun Nudlen!" and he wants to try it..to my surprise he likes it! Now everyone likes it and its all gone and I am very sad...This is all my ducks have been doing so far.. but I am in charge this next week because I am manning the fort here while the rents take off for Urlaub~ aka Vacation. Oh ya I am flying there will all the kids by my self..I will have lots of storys to write to yall on the beaches of Lizbon!

Thursday 7 April 2011

Fill Yall in on what I have learned so far

Moving to another country and living with a new family and doing things I have never done before can be difficult. There have been some major hurdles so far that I have jumped over and worked out just fine..

 1. Leaning German: There is a lot more to this little language then one would think. A.) nothing matches what you think it would be for example you see the word " Wichtig" a normal person would think this word is which. NO not even close it means "Important". SO this is where my struggle likes in trying to figure out what word is what. B.) every word has a article if it is  a masculine, feminine, plural, or neutral. So once you know the word, the article, then you must know how to congregate it properly and then they have tons of rules after you do. AHHH! But I have a tutor and lots of help so it should click here soon...lol i hope

2. Learning where I fit in the family. It is hard to throw yourself into a new family and learn all their rules and their routine. But once you do and get the hang of it everything else is easy. I feel good about where I fit in now, if only I had a hand book for teenagers lol

3. Learning to drive a stick shift car. the hard part about this is Learning how to drive a stick shift car!!!! No lessons self taught on the autobahn, zipping around town. I got it thou I am good!

Everything is going really well! Leave for Portugal soon I will update yall! 

Oh wait!!! I forgot to tell yall about my bike riding trip today. I went to the local market and bought a bottle of wine for my friend whose birthday is tomorrow. I was on my bike and realized I had no where to put the wine......I need both my hands to drive the bike, I have no basket (yet). So this bottle is going in A. My bra or B.) In my yoga pants...My cell phone and keys were already in my bra SO pants it is! I shove the bottle horizontal in my stretchy yoga pants and I sit on the bike and look down and it looks like something huge and horrible!! lol! I have no choice but start peddling and away I go down the busy streets of Dresden with a HUGE bottle of wine in my pants which looks like something else and I am crying I am laughing so hard cause it keeps moving every time I peddle lol. I made it home with the wine and my dignity...it was funny thou! xoxoxo

Thursday 31 March 2011

My first Deutch Blog...its a recipe!

Apfel Strussel 

* 21 unzen kann Apfel pie ausfüllen
* 1 cup zerkleinerte walnüsse
* 1/2 kaffeelöffel zimt
* 1 Teelöffel zitronensaft Schwung
* 9 Bogen filo Teig, aufgetaute
* 1/3 cup Butter
* 1/4 cup Zucker
* 1/2 kaffeelöffel zimt Vorbereitung:

vorwärmung Ofen bis 375 Grad F mit einem schaumlöffel, entfernen Sie Äpfel aus der Torte füllen, Rückwürfe viel von der Dicke Flüssigkeit. In medium bowl; rühren in walnüssen, 1/2 kaffeelöffel zimt, und Zitrone Lebensfreude. In kleine Schale, kombinieren 1/4 cup Zucker und 1/2 kaffeelöffel zimt und gut mischen. Auf der Arbeit Oberfläche, setzen Sie ein Blatt filo Teig. Pinsel mit Butter und Bestreue mit einer großzügigen Teelöffel von der cinamon Zucker Mischung. Repeat Schichten, alle filo Teig.

Licka Licka!

Wednesday 30 March 2011

Offically European

So you know those people who ride their bike on the side of the road and you have to go around them and they are super annoying?? Well that is officially me now! I rode my bike yesterday and I just wanted to let yall know about the rules of bike riding:

Rules Of Bike Riding:

1. No wonder no one smiles on a bike, you get bugs in your mouth. So much for trying to be a cute bike rider now I just look like im really mad, but I am not I just am sick of spitting out bugs.

2. Do not pet randoms peoples cats, because they might pull up on their bike and give you the worst look ever

3. Use your hand signals like a loserI look like I am doing the YMCA but it works so far ha

4. Might want to invest in a gel seat my bum is killing me today, I look like I just road the biggest horse ever, but I didnt just a lil bike

5. Remember where you are going especially when you are in Germany and every house looks the same and its starting to get dark and no one can see you doing your YMCA hand signals and you could die.

6. Dont talk on your cell phone 1. you look dumb 2. people think you are talking to them so they swerve and could cause and accident.

7. Tie your shoes, i noticed they got wadded up in my petal...wow gay

8. Dont take pictures of the random ladies cat, makes her even madder!

So now that I am completely European I can drive a stick, speak the language kinda, and ride a bike looks like I am staying awhile!! xoxo

Tuesday 29 March 2011

The White Auto

This week has been a week of first for me! So far my Deutch speaking skills have improved after getting home from Munich b like 1000, I have learned to drive my white car which is stick shift all over town with out stalling...ok maybe a few times but not as much as before! I have learned to take the train some too! So I am getting much more settled in to my new German life over here. I am up super early because the moms new cafe opens up this weekend and she is sooo busy, the dad is going on a trip for a week or so, so I am in charge...kinda lol as much as they will listen to me I am! I got up, woke up the kids as sweetly as possible lol they hate that I am a morning person and I am beep booping around the house at 6;12 am lol I open the door to the dogs and it was dark and I just felt 2 paws right in my chest and my butt on the floor all in 1 second, Xandel was so happy to see me she took me out. Great way to start the morning huh?? So I have gotten a German tutor and she has been helping alot I see her 3 times a week, Tuesday Thursdays I take the kids to their music lessons and I sit and have coffee at a kafe near by and do homework, so European I know lol! I have been running ever day the weather has been soooo nice! We had the time change on Sunday night so it stays sooooo sunny till close to 8:30 so now I can run after dinner and it helps me sleep. Back to my white car story!! So no one really taught me to drive stick so I would like to say I am a self proclaimed expert at it. Well some would disagree when I come to school with the stench of diesel fuel and I am late but I think I am pretty darn good! I am freaking driving around Germany, on the autobaun into little allys, sharp turns, bus's, trains whatever you think they got here on the streets your correct its a mad house and I am thankful everyone is alive....well at least I think they are. I may forget to put it into 1st gear sometimes the car may die in a intersection, I may get flicked off..alot lol but I like it! I feel great driving my little white jetta like a European! So if I do not blog here in a week or so I may be in the Krankenhouse (hospital) but I will be back to update yall! Hope everything is going great, it is for me here I am doing justtttt fine! We leave for POrtugal in 2 weeks so I am super excited to update yall from the sady beaches of Lizbon! xoxoxxo

Thursday 24 March 2011

Tut Meir Lite!!

I am sorry I have no blogged!!

I was in Munich last week/ weekend with Maggie and her mom!! We had such a great time!! So i came on THursday and I met them at the trainstop and we went shopping lol whats new! So we were in a shop just looking around and there was a step mags was on one side of the store and I was on the opposite all of a sudden i fall off the step and maggie does too .1 second after me the lady at the store was so confused lol! were funny! SO then that night we went out to dinner with some friends then went to a club and danced all night!! We woke up to a interesting breakfast a calzone and goats milk maggie was not pleased to say the least lol! I was excited because it was something new and it was Italian! That day we layed in bed then went shopping saw the famous dancing clock, all the breweries, and had a yummy dinner at Mangostin which i found out Elis friends owned! We laid low that night and then on Saturday it was raining so we ate a yummy normal breakfast of bread, jam, cheese and we went shopping for a Dindle for Maggie so she can come back for Octoberfest. Then we made a pitstop at Paulner a brewery and had a beer went home and got ready for our last dinner in Munich at Kesstler or something it was a tradational bavarian dinner meat potatoes, beer. After mags and I went to Hoffbrau the largest brewery in Munich and we met a nice table of young men and joined them. Everything I told Maggie about German guys was proven at that table. They always say "ok" when you talk to them, they are just different so now she sees what I was talking about! Then on Sunday we  said goodbye and now I am back in Dresden going to school and playing with the kids. The weather is getting really nice so its refreshing to be outdoors alot. I moved up to the next level in my german class so that means I am getting kinda good! Hope everyone is well love and miss yall!

Friday 11 March 2011


Emily told me I should update my blog...

I have been so busy all day everyday. The kids are great been at school, wait I take that back. SO I was dead asleep the other night and I slept with my window open and I wake up around 4 to what i think is the trash man and I am like what in the world is the trash man doing here at 4am!!! so i slam my window shut so the man knows he has woken me up. <i go back to sleep and I wake up go downstairs and the eldest boy is standing there with a neck brace! I am like whhaaaaaaaaaaattt happened to u!?!? Apparently he woke up around 4am and was paralized and could not move so he called his mom and she called 911. The ambulance was outside my window not the trash man! Poor guy I felt horrible but he is doing better now and he can move. We dont know what caused it but he is ok. What else is new...Yesterday after school my class and I went to eat lunch in some wack place in downtown. The Lebanese guy said he knew a great place..it was a shack with "Pizza & Dönner" on the front..yum? Let me explain to yall who came it was a real mosh posh of people! 1. Clair from France 2. Domo from Italy 3. Nick from Bulgaria 4. Eva from Chec  5. Patty from Boliva 6. Neugen from China 7. Ally from Lebonon 8. Salim from middle east some where. Lets see the only common language is English and german it was very funny. Very interesting<! then we went into town and saw the church and had coffee it was funnnnn! tom is my bday and we are having a party then going out on the town!! xoxo

Wednesday 2 March 2011


Hey guys!! This is my second week back here in Dresden, just been going to school, running, chilling not doing to much! I am getting excited about seeing Maggie in Munich here in a few weeks were going to have so much fun! I finally got a kitty in my bed!! Rocca sleeps with me every night now! I love it, he waits for me to shower then he walks me back to my room and he sits in my lap while I get ready it makes me happy. I still miss Keypo but Rocca is a good distraction. I met a new friends yesterday she is from Australia and shes really cool so we are all going to go out this weekend so I am excited about that too. I am a member of a new website called couchsurfing.com the concept is to find a host house in a different city and they let you sleep on their couch for free while you are in town. Pretty cool concept! I am not a host I am just on it to meet people here. So far nothing but I will let yall know. I am behind in school so looks like I may be getting a tutor every afternoon otherwise I have to redue my class. I got my visa to stay here so thats good! Everything is going good!! Not to much to fill yall in on yet, I will post after this weekend it will be my first weekend out with friends here in Dresden! Hope all is well miss yall xoxo

Sunday 27 February 2011

Back in Dresden

I had my first weekend in Dresden!!! It was nice we just chilled and slept and cooked. I go back to school tomorrow. I hope I am not to behind! I need to get back into my routine of school, working out and kids. Its nice to be back home and unpacked. I am off to bed! I will update my blog later when fun stuff happens!

Wednesday 23 February 2011

The Mountain

Today was a wonderful day!! Thought I would tell yall what I did! Well lets see I woke up late 10:30am went to the breakfast room and soft boiled my self an egg ( I got it down perfect 8 min!) Then I got a plate of bread with sesame seeds, butter, strawberry jam and Tirol bacon yum! Everything is homemade and all the ingredients come from local farmers so it could not get any better. Then I got ready and went into the cutest lil Austrian town ever. Told the driver pick me up at 2 bitte! Got out lost a glove, took some pictures, and shopped! They have some super cool stores here but I was mostly attracted to Monclar and LV lol ( bad eyes bad!!) Sooo I went in just to look I told my self I am not buying anything!! So I went into LV and looked talked to the nice Irish lady and told her I do not need nothing!! I thanked her and left. I walked out took a right and saw a postcard/magazine store and thought perfect I need to get Tuck a stamp from Austria! I went in gave the guy some money and he handed me a handful of coins! Ugh and they are all important too!! So I threw them in my purse and went back into LV and said ok now i need something! I got my situation all worked out. I got a wallet and I used my old wallet for a coin purse! Problem solved! Life goes on! Then I shopped around nothing else to much! Ate a pizza in a little pub called Jimmys it was yum! Taxi driver was there at 2 went back to the hotel and decided I needed to run! Well mind you its been snowing here for 3 days so the roads and "sidewalk" aka edge of the roads are in icy shape. So I get going down the mountain looking like a pro running as fast as my midget legs will go down a steep freaking cold (-1 today) mountain. I get all the way to the bottom and turn around and head up. First problem im dying and out of breath 2nd problem that mountain is freaking steep 3rd problem im tired 4th problem my sidewalk is gone and the edges are iced over. How the hell am I supposed to get up with out running in the middle of this tiny jagged road. Whatever I go up in a fast walking pace so people think I do this all the time and im not a wuss. Then my shins start to burn, my bum is num, snot is covering my chin cause is -1 and im running up a mountain. I continue up im going slipping a bit here and there then I see a path "Oh perfect I can cut through and dont have to go up that huge steep ledge" I start walking in this secret woodys path till I am ankle deep in snow my socks r soaking and im getting really pissed off and tired. Then a see a man in the distance again there is no one on my secret path except us....he is coming closer to me and I see he is holding something. Is that a dog? a log? a frog? Ohhhhh noo its a freaking chain saw, hes going to cut me up and kill me in the middle of this snow covered woods. So I turn around all nonchalantly and RUN again i am still dying but I dont really wanna die so I haul butt back to the road. I make it! I am alive. Thought I would tell you about my day lol. Dinner was good I had smoked salmon with horseradish cream, bouillon soup with Parmesan croutons, veal schnitzel, chocolate molten cake with pistachio gelato and then tiramisu cause its bomb. Now I need to run down the mountain again and try not to die tom. My waist line is not agreeing with my fork line.

Oh ya kids are good, only saw them at dinner "Merlin" is on and he is way cooler then me so he wins!

Bis Spater!! aka see you later!

Tuesday 22 February 2011

Snow Snow Snow!!

Hello all!! I am still here in Austria its been snowing like crazy!! Its so beautiful!! The kids have been busy at ski school and I have been studying up on my German and catching a few Zzz's! Its been a nice vacation! They moved me to a massive suite all for my self and its soooo huge and pretty!! the whole wall is a window I sit and watch the snow fall! The kids and I have been doing lots of swimming and chillin. I have convinced them that if they do not splash my hair I will give each of them $5 so far so good! lol I am anal about my hair esp in a pool. I am going back blond I miss it, being brown was fun but being blond is so much better! Back to the kiddos no major accidents I fell more then they did but they are super sweet and wait for me and help me up. The mountains here are different then the ones in the US.  1. its mainly all skiers, so narrow S's all down the mountain. 2. they are un groomed 3. the ski lift is a joke ill explain. So my first day on the mountain I was super pumped to snowboard we go up the first lift with out a hitch, then I see this weird looking lift very foreign to me. It looks like an anchor with a string and you are supposed to sit on it. Easy enough I thought so I am behind the family and its my turn I do as I saw the others do and try and sit on the anchor, it starts to pull me up the mountain which makes me start to loose control and of course I fall off and mange to grab the seat as it drags me up the mountain everyone is looking at me like who is this dumb girl being pulled by the lift lol. Eli is infront of me telling me to let go!!! Im like Oh god if I let go im going to take out all these poor people. So i did and I tumble down the mountain. Very embarrassing. I finally get back in line and try again, wow no on tells me what to do again so AGAIN I try to sit on the anchor and AGAIN i fall get pulled, dragged, tumble. Till Eli came back down to rescue me and inform me I need to stick the anchor in between my legs!! OHHH well that makes sense and we successfully get up the mountain. I am still terrified of that lift. The week goes good snowboarding but on Sunday I decided I should retire I am getting to old and beat up for this and would rather sleep in and swim!  This week has been more chill we went on a hike around a lake it was amazing so many cool looking dogs. Then I decided I was feeling sporty and should run down a mountain, well running down a mountain is easy the problem was getting back up I am still sore 3 days later my shins, bum, thighs lol today is a sauna day I say! A funny story for yall so the parents went to dinner and asked me to take the kids to eat at our hotel. So we all go and were laughing I am teaching them to speak Texas if they teach me German, apparently I said something about a squirrels tail that had them rolling in German. So I do not know what German menu items are and I let each kid order what they want. When the dinner comes they had ordered this pancake dessert, their eyes lit up when it was in front of them they were so excited! They got it all ready with the applesauce and everything was ready to chow down on! 30 seconds later I look over and they are all squinting and puckering up freaking out, I am like "whats wrong!??!?!" they say "Nein Lacy try!!!" SO I do and I immediately spit it out every where it was the worst thing I have ever eaten! It tasted like a salt block so horrible. We inform the waitress and she comes back and apologizes saying the chef mixed up the sugar with salt! The kids were so up set lol a look of defeat on their face. Dinner was over no one wanted to try something else. I was crying I was laughing so hard it was very funny! All is good in the hood just taking it easy. Going shopping tomorrow if I can get this stupid cell phone bill worked out lol. I will update it when I get back home on Friday or Sat love yall!!

Friday 11 February 2011


Just got into my room in Kitzbuhel Austria so freaking pretty! I am never coming home!!!!! lol! Sorry I will up date the blog asap! So far everything is way more then amazing, its beyond perfect the family is the most wonderful family ever, the kids are absolutely precious, funny and poilte! Sleeping in tomorrow, swimming chilling then the snowboarding starts Sunday im excited!! But no one wants to learn to snowboard looks like I need to find some friends!

Wednesday 9 February 2011

Here it goes...

I will up load photos soon...

I am very sorry about my delay! I have had some technical difficulities with the WiFi, but it is sorted out for this week. We leave for Kitzbuhel Austria on Friday and wont be back for a week or 2 I think...

So I arrived in Munich after much delay, US airways had mechanical problems so I had missed my connecting flight to Philly, the nice man changed me on to Lufthansa  direct to Frankfurt. I got on the plane and had dinner feel asleep and woke up for breakfast and landing. Eli my new mom got into Munich 10 minutes before me so it all worked out good. I got my 5 bags into her bus and we headed to Tegernsee the most beautiful lake town in the world. We checked in to Eli's friend Coco's hotel (Park Residenz) which was to die for we went to our suite and started off with a glass of champagne. That night we went to dinner at another hotel which was phenomenal. I had pesto shrimp and it was decorated so nice. We went to dinner with a famous wine maker here in Germany and it was licka licka (yum yum). Saturday the kids came and I got to meet them for the first time. It was interesting at first then they warmed up to me. I slept with Julia the 10 year old girl who is a doll. Saturday night the party started it was a Bavarian themed one so Eli took me shopping for a Dirndl and then we were all set. 130 people showed up from wine makers, Prime Minister of Saxony, Emmy winning producer, etc. we went to a old beer hall which was super cool and had huge long tables with raddishs, meats and pretzes. I had the best beer ever I dont know what it was called but I loved it, also I had pear shots with schnapps. The next day we went on a rally through the city and ended up at a cruise boat around the lake Tegernsee. After we went back to the hotel and changed for our next costume party which was the theme "what you wanted to be when you grew up" Eli being 6'3 dressed as a dwarf because she always wanted to be shorter. I was a chef, etc. lots of great costumes. The party all took photos then had a 4 course sit down dinner and a string band. After we all moved down to the bar with a DJ and the party didnt end till 6am.  The next day wen started our journey to my real home in Dresden which is so pretty plus their house is to die for right on the river (Elbe) its 3 stories, elevator, wine celler, heated floors etc. I got settled into my new room on the 3rd floor. I unpacked and said goodnight!! School started on Monday...

more to come im tired love yall!

Thursday 27 January 2011

Party Timeeee

Today is Thursday which means I only have one more full day of work!! I am excited to not be sitting at a desk for a very long time! So this week has been really fun, I have had lunch and dinner with friends and family everyday. It is going to be sad leaving everyone and all my favorite restaurants! I am wondering what the food is going to be like over there? Paulk said its all meat and potatoes...I am not the biggest fan of either so I hope I can find stuff I will enjoy ( I know I will I love anything made with noodles!) Tonight I have dinner over at Finley’s moms house which I am super excited about because she makes the worlds best spaghetti!! Then Friday my work is taking me to Mannies and the whole office is  coming so I am excited about that! Then Friday night is my going away party at the house with friends and family, I hate goodbyes but I guess its better to say almost all them at once ey? Then as we move into the weekend my dear friend Paulk is going to get my butt organized and boy is she good!! I need her every time I move and need help getting all my crap together. So that will take up all of my Saturday afternoon. Saturday night I am going to dinner at Dish with all my friends I have never been its in Oak Cliff  and looks very good! They have truffle fries umm yumm!! Sunday will be more of a chill day. Run last minute errands then dinner with my dad and say bye to him because he has to go out of town on Sunday :o(. The next week is going to soar by! I will update it my blog as soon as I can may be a few days but check back!! TTYL

Friday 21 January 2011

Recipes Folks!

So I got the coolest kitchen gadet for my new home! Its a electronic recipe organizer! http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B001T43NQO/ref=pd_lpo_k2_dp_sr_1?pf_rd_p=486539851&pf_rd_s=lpo-top-stripe-1&pf_rd_t=201&pf_rd_i=B000Y55CWC&pf_rd_m=ATVPDKIKX0DER&pf_rd_r=03N7JY9NW1D7053RA3QV

Thats the link to it. Ne ways I will be needing recipes from everyone out there to up load on to my new Demy. So if yall could be kind enough to send me some of yalls favorite recipes it would be much appreciated. I am not so much into meat more of pastas, side dishes, breakfast, desserts. Good stuff ya know??

If you could either e-mail the recipes to Lacyb123@gmail.com that would be kind!

I leave in 11 days so yella!! love yall!

Tuesday 18 January 2011

Getting Prepared to flee the country!

This is my first blog of many blogs! I want to keep everyone up to date on what I am going to be doing with my life here in the next few months. Well lets see I got a job as an Au pair in Dresden Germany I leave February 2nd I cant only bring 1 bag up to 50 pounds! lol had to get that off my chest! Aka I am screwed! I have way to much to bring! I am high maintenance I tell ya. Well I have decided to move to Germany and get a new job because I just do not think I am much of a desk person. Actually I know I am not a desk person at all. So I got on Aupairworld.net and 24 hours later I had a flight booked and I was gone! To prepare for my new journey in life I have don't lots of shopping, list making, and errands. I know everyone keeps telling me to wait to buy stuff till I get there but I don't think they know me that well. I need alot of stuff on a daily basis to get this ball rolling. I am going to try and bring the bare minimum ( which in my case is 4 suit cases lol). I am trying to not bring as much stuff as I usually would, so 4 pairs of jeans instead of 10, 5 sleep shirts instead of 8 ya know. I am finishing up my current job and then next week I will be packed and ready to flee! Ttyl!